Friday, December 29, 2006

going for a walk

Today my Mom and my son Bryan and I went for a walk - short distance but it felt like a big deal. First time in weeks. The sun was shining and I wanted to be outside. It felt good, even though I walk very slowly and gently. Sitting on the swings at his old elementary school, we all shared stories and it was a peaceful time.

My son Brandon played tennis outdoors later - wow - even at the end of December in Missouri! Before my first surgery there was a ton of snow. It is gone for now... I was grateful for the simple joy of going for a walk...

And today for the first time in quite a while, I thought of art-things and that was nice and it felt calm and new. There are two magazines that want me to work something up for them and I am approaching these in a different way than in the past. I am seeing things as NEW.


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